
E. Angriman, A. van der Grinten, M. von Looz, H. Meyerhenke, M. Nöllenburg, M. Predari, and C. Tzovas
Guidelines for Experimental Algorithmics: A Case Study in Network Analysis
Algorithms, 12(7), 2019
DOI, RIS, BibTex


  author = "E. Angriman and A. van der Grinten and M. von Looz and H. Meyerhenke and M. Nöllenburg and M. Predari and C. Tzovas",
  title = "{G}uidelines for {E}xperimental {A}lgorithmics: {A} Case {S}tudy in {N}etwork {A}nalysis",
  year = 2019,
  journal = "Algorithms",
  volume = 12,
  number = 7,
  doi = "10.3390/a12070127"