
J. Bader, L. Thamsen, S. Kulagina, J. Will, H. Meyerhenke, and O. Kao
Tarema: Adaptive Resource Allocation for Scalable Scientific Workflows in Heterogeneous Clusters
CoRR, 211105167, 2021
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex


  author = "J. Bader and L. Thamsen and S. Kulagina and J. Will and H. Meyerhenke and O. Kao",
  title = "Tarema: Adaptive Resource Allocation for Scalable Scientific Workflows in Heterogeneous Clusters",
  year = 2021,
  journal = "CoRR",
  volume = 211105167,
  eprint = "2111.05167",
  archiveprefix = "arXiv"