
H. Meyerhenke and T. Sauerwald
Analyzing Disturbed Diffusion on Networks
Algorithms and Computation, 17th International Symposium, ISAAC 2006, Kolkata, India, December 18-20, 2006, Proceedings, 2006
DOI, RIS, BibTex


  author = "H. Meyerhenke and T. Sauerwald",
  title = "{A}nalyzing {D}isturbed {D}iffusion on {N}etworks",
  year = 2006,
  booktitle = "Algorithms and Computation, 17th International Symposium, ISAAC 2006, Kolkata, India, December 18-20, 2006, Proceedings",
  doi = "10.1007/11940128\_44"