
J. Koch, C. L. Staudt, M. Vogel, and H. Meyerhenke
An Empirical Comparison of Big Graph Frameworks in the Context of Network Analysis
CoRR, 160100289, 2016
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex


  author = "J. Koch and C. L. Staudt and M. Vogel and H. Meyerhenke",
  title = "{A}n {E}mpirical {C}omparison of {B}ig {G}raph {F}rameworks in the {C}ontext of {N}etwork {A}nalysis",
  year = 2016,
  journal = "CoRR",
  volume = 160100289,
  eprint = "1601.00289",
  archiveprefix = "arXiv"