Journal Articles by A. van der Grinten

A. van der Grinten, G. Custers, D. L. Thanh, and H. Meyerhenke
Fast Dynamic Updates and Dynamic SpGEMM on MPI-Distributed Graphs
CoRR, 220208808, 2022
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
E. Angriman, F. Brandt-Tumescheit, L. Franke, A. van der Grinten, and H. Meyerhenke
Interactive Visualization of Protein RINs using NetworKit in the Cloud
CoRR, 220301263, 2022
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Angriman, M. Predari, and H. Meyerhenke
New Approximation Algorithms for Forest Closeness Centrality - for Individual Vertices and Vertex Groups
CoRR, 210106192, 2021
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Angriman, and H. Meyerhenke
Scaling up network centrality computations - A brief overview
it Inf. Technol., 62(34), 2020
DOI, RIS, BibTex
M. F. Faraj, A. van der Grinten, H. Meyerhenke, J. L. Träff, and C. Schulz
High-Quality Hierarchical Process Mapping
CoRR, 200107134, 2020
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
E. Angriman, A. van der Grinten, M. von Looz, H. Meyerhenke, M. Nöllenburg, M. Predari, and C. Tzovas
Guidelines for Experimental Algorithmics: A Case Study in Network Analysis
Algorithms, 12(7), 2019
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Angriman, and H. Meyerhenke
Parallel Adaptive Sampling with almost no Synchronization
CoRR, 190309422, 2019
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
E. Angriman, A. van der Grinten, M. von Looz, H. Meyerhenke, M. Nöllenburg, M. Predari, and C. Tzovas
Guidelines for Experimental Algorithmics in Network Analysis
CoRR, 190404690, 2019
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten and H. Meyerhenke
Scaling Betweenness Approximation to Billions of Edges by MPI-based Adaptive Sampling
CoRR, 191011039, 2019
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
E. Angriman, A. van der Grinten, A. Bojchevski, D. Zügner, S. Günnemann, and H. Meyerhenke
Group Centrality Maximization for Large-scale Graphs
CoRR, 191013874, 2019
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Bergamini, O. Green, D. A. Bader, and H. Meyerhenke
Scalable Katz Ranking Computation in Large Static and Dynamic Graphs
CoRR, 180703847, 2018
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex

Conference Papers

E. Angriman, R. Becker, G. D'Angelo, H. Gilbert, A. van der Grinten, and H. Meyerhenke
Group-Harmonic and Group-Closeness Maximization - Approximation and Engineering
Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, {ALENEX} 2021, Virtual Conference, January 10-11, 2021, SIAM, 2021
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Angriman, M. Predari, and H. Meyerhenke
New Approximation Algorithms for Forest Closeness Centrality - for Individual Vertices and Vertex Groups
Proceedings of the 2021 {SIAM} International Conference on Data Mining, {SDM} 2021, Virtual Event, April 29 - May 1, 2021, SIAM, 2021
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten and H. Meyerhenke
Scaling Betweenness Approximation to Billions of Edges by MPI-based Adaptive Sampling
2020 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 18-22, 2020, IEEE, 2020
DOI, RIS, BibTex
E. Angriman, M. Predari, A. van der Grinten, and H. Meyerhenke
Approximation of the Diagonal of a Laplacian's Pseudoinverse for Complex Network Analysis
28th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2020, September 7-9, 2020, Pisa, Italy (Virtual Conference), Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2020
DOI, RIS, BibTex
E. Angriman, A. van der Grinten, A. Bojchevski, D. Zügner, S. Günnemann, and H. Meyerhenke
Group Centrality Maximization for Large-scale Graphs
Proceedings of the Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2020, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, January 5-6, 2020, SIAM, 2020
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Angriman, and H. Meyerhenke
Parallel Adaptive Sampling with Almost No Synchronization
Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing - 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Göttingen, Germany, August 26-30, 2019, Proceedings, Springer, 2019
DOI, RIS, BibTex
E. Angriman, A. van der Grinten, and H. Meyerhenke
Local Search for Group Closeness Maximization on Big Graphs
2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 9-12, 2019, IEEE, 2019
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten and H. Meyerhenke
Scaling up Network Centrality Computations
Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, DATE 2019, Florence, Italy, March 25-29, 2019, IEEE, 2019
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Bergamini, O. Green, D. A. Bader, and H. Meyerhenke
Scalable Katz Ranking Computation in Large Static and Dynamic Graphs
26th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2018, August 20-22, 2018, Helsinki, Finland, 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex