Conference Papers by S. Kounev

A. Greubel, S. Pohl, and S. Kounev
Quantifying measurement quality and load distribution in Tor
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2020), 2020
RIS, BibTex
A. Greubel, A. Dmitrienko, and S. Kounev
SmarTor - Smarter Tor with Smart Contracts
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2018), 2018
RIS, BibTex

Peer-Reviewed Posters

A. Greubel and S. Kounev
Towards an Evaluation Framework for Tor Load Balancing
Work in Progress Paper at the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2020), 2020
RIS, BibTex