D. A. Bader, A. Kappes, H. Meyerhenke, P. Sanders, C. Schulz, and D. Wagner
Benchmarking for Graph Clustering and Partitioning.
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2018
URL, RIS, BibTex
P. Bisenius, E. Bergamini, E. Angriman, and H. Meyerhenke
Computing Top-k Closeness Centrality in Fully-dynamic Graphs
Proceedings of the Twentieth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 7-8, 2018., 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex
H. Meyerhenke, M. Nöllenburg, and C. Schulz
Drawing Large Graphs by Multilevel Maxent-Stress Optimization
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 24(5), 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex
M. von Looz and H. Meyerhenke
Updating Dynamic Random Hyperbolic Graphs in Sublinear Time
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 23, 2018
URL, RIS, BibTex
E. Bergamini, P. Crescenzi, G. D. Angelo, H. Meyerhenke, L. Severini, and Y. Velaj
Improving the Betweenness Centrality of a Node by Adding Links
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics, 23, 2018
URL, RIS, BibTex
H. Meyerhenke, R. Peng, and I. Safro
High-Performance Graph Algorithms (Dagstuhl Seminar 18241)
Dagstuhl Reports, 8(6), 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Bergamini, O. Green, D. A. Bader, and H. Meyerhenke
Scalable Katz Ranking Computation in Large Static and Dynamic Graphs
CoRR, 180703847, 2018
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
M. von Looz, C. Tzovas, and H. Meyerhenke
Balanced k-means for Parallel Geometric Partitioning
CoRR, 180501208, 2018
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
R. Glantz, M. Predari, and H. Meyerhenke
Topology-induced Enhancement of Mappings
CoRR, 180407131, 2018
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
M. von Looz and H. Meyerhenke
Updating Dynamic Random Hyperbolic Graphs in Sublinear Time
CoRR, 180203297, 2018
arXiv eprint, RIS, BibTex
R. Glantz and H. Meyerhenke
Many-to-many Correspondences between Partitions: Introducing a Cut-based Approach
Proceedings of the 2018 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, SDM 2018, May 3-5, 2018, San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, San Diego, CA, USA., 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex
M. von Looz, C. Tzovas, and H. Meyerhenke
Balanced k-means for Parallel Geometric Partitioning
Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2018, Eugene, OR, USA, August 13-16, 2018, 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex
R. Glantz, M. Predari, and H. Meyerhenke
Topology-induced Enhancement of Mappings
Proceedings of the 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, ICPP 2018, Eugene, OR, USA, August 13-16, 2018, 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex
A. van der Grinten, E. Bergamini, O. Green, D. A. Bader, and H. Meyerhenke
Scalable Katz Ranking Computation in Large Static and Dynamic Graphs
26th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, ESA 2018, August 20-22, 2018, Helsinki, Finland, 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex
E. Bergamini, T. Gonser, and H. Meyerhenke
Scaling up Group Closeness Maximization
Proceedings of the Twentieth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 7-8, 2018., 2018
DOI, RIS, BibTex