
C. Schumacher, N. Reich-Stiebert, J. Kuzilek, M. Burchart, J. Raimann, J.-B. Voltmer, and S. Stürmer
Group perceptions vs. group reality: Exploring the fit of self-report and log file data in the process of collaboration.
Poster presented at the Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Virtual Conference, 15-04-2021, 2021
RIS, BibTex


  author = "C. Schumacher and N. Reich-Stiebert and J. Kuzilek and M. Burchart and J. Raimann and J.-B. Voltmer and S. Stürmer",
  title = "Group perceptions vs. group reality: Exploring the fit of self-report and log file data in the process of collaboration.",
  year = 2021,
  journal = "Poster presented at the Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Virtual Conference, 15-04-2021",
  month = "Apr"