Conference Papers by C. Mumme

N. T. Le, L. Märtin, C. Mumme, and N. Pinkwart
Communication-free detection of resource conflicts in multi-agent-based cyber-physical systems
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Digital Ecosystems and Technologies Conference (DEST), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2012
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M. Huhn, J. Müller, J. Görmer, G. Homoceanu, N. T. Le, L. Märtin, C. Mumme, C. Schulz, et al.
Autonomous Agents in Organized Localities Regulated by Institutions
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Digital Ecosystems and Technologies Conference (DEST), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011
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C. Mumme and N. Pinkwart
Evaluation of an Autonomous DVD Sales Agent
Poster Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2010
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C. Mumme, N. Pinkwart, and F. Loll
Design and Implementation of a Virtual Salesclerk
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Springer Verlag, 2009
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C. Mumme, H. Olivier, and N. Pinkwart
A Framework for Interaction Analysis and Feedback in Collaborative Virtual Worlds
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE), Centre for Concurrent Enterprise, 2008
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Technical Reports

F. Loll, C. Mumme, and N. Pinkwart
Flattr this! Explorative Evaluation von Social (Micro-)Payments als alternatives Bezahlmodell
Clausthal University of Technology, Department of Informatics, IFI Technical Report Series, 2010
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C. Mumme
Verkaufsagenten in Multiversen
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